Thursday, April 7, 2011

Just Because.

Because he is great, this post goes out Drew-bird.

Top 10 best things about my husband:

1) He understands all the made up words I use and has started using them himself.

2) He is WAY cleaner than me and that is why our house looks clean most of the time.

3) He is adventurous and loves anything involving nature and being outside.

4) He is open to learning new things that I love and usually ends up liking them even more than i do (i.e. tennis, skiing, and gambling)

5) He has great hair. And sometimes he even lets me put some of my hair products in it.

6) One of his favorite movies is Cool Runnings and he quote almost the whole thing.

7) He does not gossip. you could tell him any secret and it is safe. I could learn from this.

8) He is a great writer.

9) He loves FLIP FLOPS and PALM TREES.

10) He loves my family. and ME most of all (even though I am a crazy person and a born worrier)

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