Friday, April 29, 2011

Wedding Fever.

I absolutely LOVED the Royal wedding.

personal favorites:

-Harry. His mischievious comments and grin.

-Pippa's silky dress.

-The fact that Kate wore her hair down.

-the crazy hats, fascinators, and feathers in people's hair.


-the fact that Pippa got in trouble for the glittery balls used to decorate the dance floor.

love love loved it.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Random thoughts in my head today..
  • I am excited to go to Quiznos for dinner tonight. Last week after my 2 long days we went to Panera bread and I had the SMALLEST bagel that I have ever seen them make and I almost fell asleep in the restaurant. Today I am feeling just as tired as last week but I'm hoping that it is not another weird incident like last week.
  • Is the royal wedding really only 2 days away!? Holy cow. This week I think every single magazine (minus Sports Illustrated) has had a story about William and Kate. I am going to start saving these articles for when I can sell them as memorabilia in 70 years.
  • One of my favorite things about living in a house so far is walking around the neighborhood. I try to look inside windows to see how peoples houses look inside. Creepy i know. I also like having a neighborhood to walk around in as opposed to a parking lot at our apartment.
  • I am thinking about giving up my loyalty to the YMCA and switching to the Kroc center. I am not able to teach swim lessons at the Y with my current job and its just too dang expensive to belong to the Y. We shall see.
  • I am contemplating another painting project in the house. Will post a picture if i do.
peace out friends.

Monday, April 18, 2011

amazing sacrifice.

When I survey the wondrous cross

on which the Prince of Glory died

my richest gain I count but loss

and pour contempt on all my pride

See from his head, his hands, his feet

sorrow and love flow mingled down

did ever such love and sorrow meet

or thorns compose so rich a crown

Friday, April 15, 2011


Where are you weekend??????? 1 more hour.


Finally Friday! It feels like this week has gone on For-e-ver. Now, only 11 hours separating me from the weekend. Here's to hoping it goes fast!

a quote to chew on:

"Love is the closest thing we have to magic" - Aquamarine

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

the 8 to 5 life.

Hi Friends,

Just got back from bible study and it was challenging (in the good kind of way) like usual. It is such a great thing for me to be able to talk with these girls going through the same things in life that I am. Lately I have just been very frustrated with my commute to work and the long days can be so hard. In my job at the front desk I have to be very friendly and social all day long and by the end of the day, I come home so tired and usually in a mood to do nothing. Especially not answer a phone;) However, I always do FEEL so much better when I go hang out with friends or talk on the phone to my Grandma or just do SOMETHING that makes me feel happy and like I have a life outside of work. I am truly thankful for my job--it is a good job and i have great coworkers. I have health benefits and job security. All good things, but sometimes I just need to vent.

In other news, I bought the new Jodie Picoult book "Sing Me Home" and am about half-way through it. Full review of the book to come..


Monday, April 11, 2011


So here is a little known fact for you: Yoga is hard. Saturday I went to Funky Buddha Yoga Hothouse with Chalene and Ashley and tried a hot yoga class. 2 days later, my ABS are still really SORE. Man. Yoga is not for sissies. I also just did a Jillian Michaels 30 day shred video. I am not sure that I will be getting out of bed tomorrow. I am getting more creative with my workouts now that my Y membership has expired. It has been a couple months since I have taught a class and I'm not sure i want to go back to teaching right now. One full-time job is enough I think.

Annnnnd it is going to be summer soon and hopefully I will be able to get plenty of exercise outside!

In other news, I have been looking for jobs a little closer to home. I am getting sick of driving 25 minutes to work everyday. And of waking up at 530 am on days that I open. I like my job right now alright but it never hurts to look at what is out there either.

What to make for dinner!?!!
Always the dilemma.

Have a great day amigos!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Just Because.

Because he is great, this post goes out Drew-bird.

Top 10 best things about my husband:

1) He understands all the made up words I use and has started using them himself.

2) He is WAY cleaner than me and that is why our house looks clean most of the time.

3) He is adventurous and loves anything involving nature and being outside.

4) He is open to learning new things that I love and usually ends up liking them even more than i do (i.e. tennis, skiing, and gambling)

5) He has great hair. And sometimes he even lets me put some of my hair products in it.

6) One of his favorite movies is Cool Runnings and he quote almost the whole thing.

7) He does not gossip. you could tell him any secret and it is safe. I could learn from this.

8) He is a great writer.

9) He loves FLIP FLOPS and PALM TREES.

10) He loves my family. and ME most of all (even though I am a crazy person and a born worrier)