Thursday, August 27, 2009

Time Machine.

Right now, all I want is to look 1 year into the future and have told myself that I made the right decision [regarding whether or not to stay in Michigan]

However, life does not allow me that luxury. All I can do is pray that I will make the right decision. Follow your heart, they say.

favorite song currently: "The Words I would Say" by Sidewalk Prophets.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Being Content is Hard.

Welcome to my blog! Writing the first post is a bit intimidating.

This blog has no purpose other than to help me make sense of the craziness that is my life right now. Besides, it is nice to have another thing to check besides my facebook and twitter :)

The three biggest things on my plate right now are getting married (in 2 months!), finding a job, and finding a place to live (lease ends in 1 WEEK!)

I had dinner with my friend Stephanie tonight and we talked a little about job hunting. She said something that stuck with me. She told me that she never realized how connected our self-worth is to the job we have. I think that is very true. I graduated college over a year ago and since then have held over 6 different jobs. I have been a lifeguard. A nanny. An event planning Intern. A middle school program coordinator. A swim instructor. A Marketing Assistant. These jobs have all been part-time. More than once I have been confronted by a random stranger asking why I am not working at a job more related to my degree. I just smile and bite my tongue (unless I am having a bad day, in which case I might not be so nice.) Usually I am grateful to be working (even if my jobs aren't what I imagined) but sometimes I become that stranger and ask myself the same question. Why AM i working at a job that I don't need a college degree to do?

That is not to say that none of my jobs have been relevant. And even at my jobs unrelated to my degree, I have learned something. Still, when you really just want a full-time "professional" job, instead of several part-time ones, it is hard not to get frustrated. BUT, the grass is not always greener on the other side, so until I find that full-time job, I will be content and grateful for what I do have. Heck, variety is the spice of life.