Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday Thoughts.

Hellooo Tuesday! Today has been an interesting mix of happy and unfortunate things. I was backing out of my driveway at 613am this morning and proceeded to get stuck in the mound of snow that the plow had left at the bottom :( I tried to get out on my own for about 10 minutes but then decided to wake up Drew because I was not moving AT ALL. Being the super nice guy that he is..he hopped out of bed and helped. We then spent the next 45 MINUTES getting my car unstuck. Yikes. This is the worst part of winter. Normally I'm a huge winter advocate but laying on my stomach trying to remove ice chunks from the driveway wearing my black work pants and ballet flats before the sun has even risen is not exactly a good time.

Got to work and the morning went by pretty fast and then it is 1130am and we get a call from BC Pizza across the street. Turns out a patient had bought some pizza for us and it was ready to pick up! Happy Day:) Free pizza from my favorite joint.

peace, love and frozen cokes,

Thursday, February 10, 2011

10 Things.....I'm Back!

Well, I am back from my extended hiatus from blogging! Don't expect this post to be anything groundbreaking. Mostly i just decided to blog again because more of my friends are getting into it! (Shout out to Ben, Steph, Alyssa, and Ashley! :))

Anyway, it is February in Michigan and that means most of us our borderline depressed. Even the winter lovers like myself are getting sick of this bitter cold. -10 this morning!

Here are things that have helped me survive the winter...
*Automatic car starter. At 6am this thing has been a lifesaver.
*Biggby hot chocolate. Sure, they may be pricey and fattening (I am definitely not going to get rid of the whipped cream--best part), but they are sure a mood lifter.
*Snow days. Actually snow day. There was only one of them. But it was EPIC. Or rather, historical.
*The mall. A warm tropical place filled with signs of warmer weather.
*Trips up North. Sitting by the fireplace. Skiing. Friends.
*Space heaters. Space heater at work. Space heater at home. Thank you for keeping my toes from going frostbitten.

Well that is all for now! Hopefully I will update more regularly!

Peace and Frozen Cokes,