Tuesday, October 25, 2011


This is a positive-i'm so thankful-kinda post. You know i have been restless in my job for the past 8 months. That is no secret on this blog, to my husband, to my family and to my close friends. However, beyond my restlessness, I am so so grateful to have a job. I can say this the day after I get turned down from a job I had really wanted. God has a great plan. I have a job where I work 40 hours. I have a job where I have health benefits. And 90 hours paid vacation. Great coworkers. Great patients. I get to meet some really interesting and kind people.

Did anyone see the cover of the Grand Rapids Press this week? It highlighted how bad our economy still is. I am constantly amazed by the level of poverty that so many people down our streets are living in. My friend Jerry spent his whole life as a truck driver and is now retired. How is he spending his retirement? Driving around to grocery stores and collecting all the goods that they are going to throw away. Then he gives out this food 2 afternoons a week to anyone in need. No qualifications required. He says he's been seeing more and more people in the past few months than ever before. Lots of little kids, even.

It really does make me sad. It makes me gain a great deal of perspective on my complaining about a job that doesn't challenge me enough. I am lucky enough to be able to go home and read books and paint and see my friends and travel and basically just live a very full and happy life. I do not worry about my next meal. I am very blessed and it is high time for me to open up my eyes and see how I can begin to give back to others what i have been given.

love S

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