Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Seasons change.

Where did summer go?

2 days until September! Sometimes life just seems to be going so fast. I had a good summer...It was our first summer living in a house but a lot of times are house just felt like a hotel. We spent almost every weekend in Holland or Gull Lake. Lotsa boats, water, sand, sun, tubing and family time:-) We also went camping at Sleeping Bear Dunes, up north to Crystal and to the Wisconsin dells on weekend adventures. Part of me is looking forward to not being quite so busy in the fall.

Another reason we have been so busy is that our jobs (well mostly Drews!) have been going through some big changes that have led to working a lot of overtime. I can't remember the last time Drew worked only 40 hours in a week. I am hoping things slow down because it's stressful to be feeling so overwhelmed at work. When Drew began his job there were 8 people in his office and now there are over 20. He just found out they are moving to a bigger office and probably hiring another10 people in the next year. Drew has taken on a lot of training responsibilities for the new hires as well as keeping up with is regular work and I'm proud of him for doing such a good job but I also hope he gets a break soon. As for my work, we had 2 receptionists quit recently and that has led to a shortage of coverage for our offices and the need for the current receptionists to work more. Lots of open to close days (645am-6:30pm) which will hopefully change when we get some people hired! (let me know if you know anyone looking)

The good news is that we are leaving for Colorado in 2 days so it will be a great break from work and what not. Nothing like the mountains and some big wide open space to get rid of stress. I'm not sure why we haven't just moved out West yet. I guess maybe the fact that we are so blessed by the best family and friends ever.

Other exciting things coming up:

My first 5k on September 24th (Susan G. Komen race!) with Ben from http://doyahlikesteak.blogspot.com

Shopping trip with my mom to Ikea!

Megan gets her new house!

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