without facebook, i have had more time to watch tv (is that a good thing?!) and I have discovered two great shows.
Show #1: Modern Family. Beyond Hilarious. A dysfunctional family that would be a lot of fun to be a part of. Sassy characters and awkward moments galore.

and show #2: The Rachel Zoe Project. This gem was discovered on the Bravo network (man Bravo never lets me down!) and will definitely make you want to quit your day job and become a fashion-ista. Hilarious Rachel-isms. Also sign up for the Zoe Report (http://www.thezoereport.com) as a way to add some fun into your inbox.
hmmm. I forgot you were off facebook. And wrote on your wall. Woops. How much longer are you off of it? I'm thinking of taking another hiatus from it...I'm getting addicted again! =) Keep up the blog work!